

The rain started pouring last night. Hudson ran to the window with excitement- "Rain! Rain!", he began to shout! He knows I love the rain, and I have done my best to instill the same love in him (and I think it's working!). We quickly pulled out our chairs on the balcony and sat as our little family of three watching the rain flow from the dark sky. Thunder began to boom and lightning shot bright streaks through the heavens. I looked over at Hudson, whose eyes lit up with amazement. I saw him show a tiny bit of fear for a moment. He looked into his Daddy's eyes and scooted a little closer, and I could tell he knew he was safe.

(I just love his blue eyes in this picture!)

I am praying for those families and individuals in Joplin, MO, and I hope they will be blessed to recover quickly from this tragedy.


Cami said...

I think loving the rain is Hudson being true to his Oregon heritage :) Cute picture os the Coles guys! Hud is getting so big!

Janice said...

Hudson is adorable and good for you for helping him like thunderstorms. When we lived in New Jersey the storms were incredible, and Heather and Michael were totally freaked out! I loved 'em:)