
The apartment we are staying was built in the 1850's. It is beautiful! This is our street:

The Supreme Court is one block away:

And this lovely building is two blocks away:

The Senate is even closer (which is where Garrett will be working)!

we are enjoying being able to walk so many places!! We have a park and library down the street, and we are loving DC so far! Now... if only I could take better pictures so I could really show you how beautiful it is...


katie said...

How fun! I hope you all have a wonderful experience. Post more pictures because your camera skills are great. I love the picture of H. :)

Amber Neeley said...

So cool Kels! I will be checking you're blog frequently for updates :)

Janice said...

such cool apartments! How nice to be so close to everything! enjoy your time there. there's so much to see and do and what a great time of year to start:)