Other news... Garrett was accepted to UT Southwestern Medical School!! We are thrilled. It is a very good school and was definitley top on our list. It is located in Dallas.
We just returned from our Thanksgiving trip to Nauvoo. We had so much fun there. Garrett's sister, Rissa, was married on Saturday in the Nauvoo temple to a way cool guy named Chandler. We are so happy for them. She was a GORGEOUS bride! I'll have to put up pictures soon. We are glad that we were all able to go to Nauvoo.

Kelsey! OH MY GOSH! He is getting super big! We need to meet up! I cant believe that we are both down here and haven't met up yet! Call me! Glad to hear that you guys are doing super good!
Kelsey- He is perfect! I am so excited you have a blog so I can see what you guys are up to! I can't believe you have a baby! I am due today- but have had no contractions yet so it will still be a while. I can't believe you were just in Nauvoo- that's not too far from us. I hope you are recovering well- you look great!
Hey Kelsey! I came across your blog and have enjoyed seeing all of your new pictures of little Hudson! He is adorable! Dustin and I miss seeing you guys! We hope you are doing good and enjoying being in Texas! We wish we could be there too! Happy Holidays and tell Garrett we say hi!
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